Called to Serve

Called to Serve
Phoenix, AZ

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Week 27

Hello! Sorry this is being sent out late, the wifi at our office
stopped working and we had to get dressed and go somewhere else to
send this...

This week flew by! A lot of finding and a lot of lessons! Also a lot
of coming home exhausted, struggling through nightly planning, and
passing out by 9:45...

Tuesday we helped Shorty move...we had mixed feelings about that. It's
been so cool to see him come so far, but it was sad to hand him off to
other missionaries.

Thursday was Zone Conference! Good discussions, and I got to lead part
of one. It was scary, but cool at the same time :)

I don't really have much else to add, I'm almost out of time.
 I hope you all have a great week! "Feast upon the word", there's some
cool things to learn from the scriptures!

-Elder Wheeler :)

Week 26

This week was great!

We've been ALMOST hitting standards for he past few weeks, but no
matter how hard we tried we couldn't put anyone on a solid date for
baptism, or get anyone to come to church. So, we decided to make a
special effort this week to be STRICTLY obedient. Not that we weren't
already obeying the rules, but this week we really focused on being
out the door exactly on time and getting to bed by exactly 10:30 and
little things like that. And guess what?? We had an awesome week!!

Good news: We got Kohonna and her son Dante on date for baptism!
Bad news: it's not until the first week of May. I probably won't be here...
She and her Boyfriend Ray work for some tax place, so they are too
busy to get married until after tax season is over...but at least we
have a date to work towards :)

Remember Shorty? The homeless guy who we visited over Christmas, and
who our Ward Council didn't think we should worry about? Well guess
who came to Church yesterday?!? It was awesome! He loved it, and he's
been reading the Book of Mormon and he has a ton of questions!
#soontobebrothershorty? #ithinkso

We had a bunch of good lessons this last week. Hopefully we will be
able to finally put Luis and his family on date for baptism this week,
and we have some new solid investigators, Bania and Jesse.

I also finished the Book of Mormon again yesterday. Moroni's promise
is so true, and I encourage all of you to give it a try no matter how
strong your testimony is :)

I hope you all have a great week! :)
-Elder Wheeler