Called to Serve

Called to Serve
Phoenix, AZ

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Week 20 (Woah)


{moment of reflection} I can't believe the words 'week' and '20'
already made it into the subject bar of my email!!! Woah. Like, I can
still vividly remember stressing over my math final last spring. But
then I think back over everything I've learned in 20 weeks (plus 12
days in the MTC) and I feel wayyy old. {reflection over}

Anyway, how was everybody's week? Are you getting excited for
CHRISTMAS???? *pause for crowd reaction* ...cuz I am!! :D haha most
Christmas music is about the savior, and therefore approved, so we
play it in our apartment pretty much 24/7! :)

This week was awesome! And a little crazy. We spent a long time
tracking down Elder Conover's bike...our mission office just moved,
and in the worst possible timing of things, it got lost somewhere
along the way. So we had to call around to other missionaries and the
office had to call his mom and we finally got a tracking number and
traced it back to the FedEx warehouse 45 mins away where we had to get
a ride from the zone leaders and then bring it back and assemble it.
It's a really nice bike, and we were both really excited to have it up
and working...until we put one of the pedals on wrong and it
completely stripped the crank (the thing broke the other thing). So we
have to go order a new one today and use someone else's bike for a few
weeks. Haha I guess Lehi knew what he was talking about. 2 Nephi 2:11

Do you guys remember Luis? He was the 13 year old kid that stopped me
and elder Flynn on our way home and asked us about God. We met him
like 3 months ago, and he kinda fell off the face of the earth for a
while, but we met and had a great lesson! Literally a picture perfect
lesson, complete with good questions, solid testimonies, and the
spirit! And Elder Conover did so good!! I'm so proud of my little
trainee :,)

On Sunday we helped teach sharing time, super fun! Then that night we
went contacting and met a nice homeless guy named shorty, a scary
tattooed lady who very excitedly warned the whole street we were a
cult, a music teacher named Josh who has a lot of potential, and a lot
of other interesting people. Haha I love Glendale x)

Not much else to tell, just a lot of referrals and contacts this week!
Everybody wants to talk about the savior this time of year I guess :)

Merry Christmas everybody!! Enjoy your winter coats :P
-Elder Wheeler :)

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