Called to Serve

Called to Serve
Phoenix, AZ

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Week 23

Hi guys! I hope you all had a happy holiday season...because we are so
ready for it to be over!! Haha nobody wants to meet with the
missionaries during the holidays, and I miss doing missionary work!
This week was just a little slow, that's all...

It was fun though! In a non missionary kind of way. We had both New
Year's Eve and Day off, so we had some good studies, did a crazy
intense workout in the gym, reorganized our apartment, and bought a
spikeball set! Spikeball is so much fun and were getting really good
at it!

We mostly just contacted some referrals (not much to show for it) for
the first part of the week. Also got a nasty flat tire on Elder
Conover's bike (I swear that bike hates us), which slowed us down for
a while.

BUT, on the bright side! We had an awesome day exchange with the zone
leaders on Saturday! I went with Elder Gardner, and Elder Stott came
to our area with Elder Conover. It was awesome to catch up with my old
roommate and to get some really good advice about training. We also
had a super cool experience when we were with Dallin from the YSA
ward! It went something like this:

Gardner: hey so we need to find this referral. Her name's Delfina. We
have an apartment complex address, but not the apartment number. Let's
pray to find her, or whoever else the Lord wants us to find.

Wheeler: definitely. I can pray for us. *prays with much faith*

Dallin: I'm thinking of the number 131. Let's look for it.

*we walk around the complex, don't find it*

Gardner: hmm, let's talk to that family over there on the bench. "Hi,
would you guys like a picture of Jesus?"

Family: yes

Wheeler: "can we say a prayer with you guys?"

Family: yes

Dallin: do you know a Delfina?

Family: yes. I'm Delfina. Why?

Wheeler: (in my mind) Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah the church is true!!!

We taught them a lesson and got their address and set up a return
appointment and now they have a new investigator! Tender mercies are
so awesome :) So yeah, that was kind of a highlight of my week!

Yesterday our sacrament meeting time changed to 9:00am which is
awesome. But now we have other meetings that start at 7:00am which is
less awesome...haha. It was nice though, we had a full day to work
after church. We had a good lesson with Luis and his parents and are
ever so slowly progressing them towards baptism :)

We should be having a baptism in a few weeks for Kohonna and her son Dante!

Other than that, not much to report. Just that I love training Elder
Conover and our ward is awesome and I'm excited for the holidays to be
over! x)

I hope y'all have a great week!
-Elder Wheeler :)

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