Called to Serve

Called to Serve
Phoenix, AZ

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Week 8- Moving apartments

Hello everybody :)

Not a ton to write about this week. We moved apartments, which took a
lot of time. Our old apartment was definitely, better
condition, haha. Something about the AC in this one makes it super
humid all the time, enough so we have to cover our scriptures and
books when we go to bed. It's also cold, like all the time, plus the
humidity means we get to put on sweaters when we study. Which is
AWESOME because I actually love wearing sweaters and hoodies and I was
worried I wasn't going to be able to here in Arizona :D so even though
I help Elder Flynn mess with the thermostat and open the vents and
tinker with everything to try to fix it, I secretly love it :) haha
also it's a nice contrast to the 96 degrees outside! Which is another
thing, it's cooling off! I bought a sweater today, not because I
really need it yet, but because I'm just getting excited for winter :D

Our new address is:

8150 N 61st Ave Apt 1129
Glendale, Arizona 85302-6770

One big thing that happened this week, Mariah had her baptismal
interview!! Josh and Mckenzie decided they don't want to be baptized
right now, but that Mariah was completely free to if she wanted to,
and she was all like "heck yeah I do" and then we were all like "heck
yeah you do" and now she's getting baptized on Saturday!! (not exactly
what was said, but you bet I was thinking it :) haha). So as bummed as
I am about Mckenzie and Josh, I'm just really excited that we get to
baptize Mariah! I'm really impressed with her testimony and her
desires to read the scriptures! We meet with them later tonight to
figure out details :)

One more thing that was pretty cool was that we had zone tour on
Friday. The name zone tour is misleading, because it's actually more
than one zone, and they all gather together in one building, where a
general authority comes and speaks to us. We got to listen to Elder
Foster and Elder Montoya of the Seventy. It was really cool, and I
learned a lot about how to build a better relationship with my
companion, my ward, and my investigators.

Other than that, just a lot of people not home this week :P haha but
you get used to it.

Out of time, I hope everybody's doing good! Have a fabulous week :D

-Elder Wheeler :)

Sent from my iPad


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